Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Testing of Firefox nightly builds is a very important QA task and helps us
track down regression bugs early. This is essential to ensuring quality releases of Firefox and we are very thankful for your work (testing, filing bugs, checking regression ranges). Our Firefox Community rocks!

To assist you better with nightly build testing and to inform you about current focus areas where Mozilla QA is working on (for example important landings of current features) we have created this new mailing list

Mozilla Firefox Nightly is a firefox release to track down regression bugs early. And if you want to join them to be the first person that use the latest Firefox release, this is for you.

Mozilla Firefox Nightly will be automatic updated every 48 hours, so you don't have to worry because you have the latest Firefox release.

This Mozilla Firefox Nightly 12.0 Currently in NIGHTLY channel will be Moves to AURORA on January 31, 2012.


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